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Russian, Ukrainian ombudspersons continue to reunite families

ANTALYA, September 4. /TASS/. Russian and Ukrainian ombudspersons continue cooperation on family reunification and assistance to people in difficult life situations, Russia’s Human Rights Commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova told Russian journalists.
While in Antalya, Moskalkova is attending the opening of the Russian Consulate General’s office building and is meeting with Turkey’s Chief Ombudsman Sheref Malkoch. TASS requested her to comment on the dialogue with the Ukrainian ombudsman. “This is a humanitarian sphere related to helping people in difficult life situations. Today we continue our interaction with Ukrainian ombudsmen on family reunification, assistance in restoring documents to civilians who were divided by the closure of borders. Many cannot apply for a pension because there is no confirmation of their working on the territory of Ukraine. These are the kind of issues we are dealing with,” she answered.
She also noted that the Turkish ombudsman “has always sought to promote mediation between Russia and Ukraine in the human rights sphere.” “Our dialogue [with the Ukrainian side] continues. It must be said that Sheref Malkoch has always shown a desire to did his best while supporting both sides in solving humanitarian issues. And we would surely like to call it a good and right mission that deserves attention,” Moskalkova said.
